Mardi Gras! Galveston is proud to introduce a new recognition award. The “New Krewe Award” will honor krewes formed since 2011, celebrating the vibrant, new additions to the Mardi Gras tradition. This award compliments the traditional “George Mitchell Award” that recognizes individuals who have made a significant and lasting impact on Galveston’s cultural and community landscape.

The first recipient for the “Newe Krewe Award” will be the “Krewe de Isle of Misfits.” Founded by Becky Major and Michael Mandina in 2018, this Krewe dazzles the Mardi Gras crowd with their out-of-the-box creativity. Their float is a reconstructed bus that takes on a new life for every Mardi Gras. Each year excitement bubbles to see what new, kooky theme the Misfits will do. They’ve paraded Galveston with themes such as: NASA, Post-Apocalyptic, and Circus. For each new theme, this group of artists goes full out with exquisitely-crafted, individual costumes and new decorations for their float. In addition to Mardi Gras, this Krewe hosts their annual Misfits Ball and participates in other parades on the island.
Cheer on the Misfits as they receive their award on Friday, February 2nd at 5:30pm, right in front of the Tremont House!